Moving Applications to the Edge
Its not straight forward to move the applications to the edge or run your edge Ai models on the embedded Linux devices.
Apart from the obvious ones of selecting the right hardware, you have to also think of Security, Remote access for debugging, Health monitoring, Continous Upgrades (OTA) and many more.
Building all this for scale would take a lot of time & increase the overall product & support cost.
AiKaan solves all this with its subscription-based model, where you have to choose the right hardware for your Edge applications, and all the rest is what the platform does.
Find the complete list of features here.

AiKaan Cloud Controller (AiCon)
A software Controller that receives operational data from Edge devices through the AiKaan device agent. The controller correlates the data to bring out meaningful insights on the system, network & applications health. The controller also allows you to take actions based on the insights, such as remote connect to the device, reboot, remote command execution, reporting and many more described in this section.
It learns the IoT edge infrastructure’s behaviour by processing data to our proprietary machine learning algorithms to alert with the right anomalies in the system.
AiKaan Device Agent (AiAgent)
An Open-source software device agent which can be installed on any Linux or Android (rooted) Devices. The software agent collects operational data around “Network”, “Applications”, and “Systems” and pass them to the AiKaan Cloud Controller (AiCon). The data is then analysed to provide meaningful insights to control better & manage the whole IoT Edge Infrastructure.
AiKaan Software Agent can be deployed on any computing device running either Linux or Android.
Product Features
Get God’s view of the whole IoT Deployments across sites. View the overall status of the IoT Edge devices (up/down), geolocation, the fleet’s overall health, profiles & applications created & deployed. Try Yourself !!
Securely connect or access any IoT Edge device through SSH or Telnet over the internet even if the device is NAT’ted or behind a firewall. Try Yourself !!
Deploy & manage cloud-native Edge-Ai applications or dockers to the embedded Linux devices with a single click at SCALE. Try Yourself !!
Securely perform Over the Air (OTA) Upgrades to an array of remotely deployed IoT embedded devices running Linux or Android. You can perform upgrades for configurations, script deployments, application/package, complete firmware update or Android APKs. Try Yourself !!
Check your device uptime or network reachable with the intuitive Device Uptime graph. Try Yourself !!
Monitor system, network & applications health with more than 50 operational parameters. Proper alerts and notifications are generated if any of the parameters is violating. Try Yourself !!
Flexible infrastructure to generate events & notifications. The AiKaan controller generates more than 150 events based on the system’s health, networks & applications. Users can generate their own required events by just calling APIs. Try Yourself !!
Auto-provisioning of any new devices onboarded on the AiKaan platform. Just configure the packages, applications, scripts or containers to be installed & run on the devices. AiKaan platform makes sure to warm up the IoT Edge devices. Try Yourself !!
Generate customised reports based on various operational parameters and time ranges. The reports can be exported into various formats to be shared. Try Yourself !!