Release 2.14

Release 2.16 is now available as GA release. All of the controller sites and computing sites are automatically updated with the new release. No specific action needed.

Features :

  1. Social ID Login support :
    AiCon now supports logging in via OAuth from providers like Azure & Google . Use your Azure/Google Credentials to authorize yourself into the AiCon system . This feature currently works only if your account is pre-authorized by Aikaan
  2.  Actionable Alerts :
    All alerts in the Events page as well as slack will now contain hyperlinks which will take you to the most relevant page of the alert . For example : If you have a CPU High alert then you will be taken to the Visualizations page which has the CPU Graph . If you have a application error logs alert then you would be taken to the page which shows the error logs for that particular application
  3. Notify Boolean Support for Business Events :
    You can now view information on what version of AiCon you are running . Click on your account on the top right corner and click on About to see which version of AiCon you are running.
  4. Searching and sorting of Device Groups:
    Customers can now search/sort device groups.

Known Caveats :
